Website Design – Milgaard Inquiry Fri, 27 Jul 2018 22:13:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Designing Your Own Website As A Lawyer What You Need to Know Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:39:56 +0000 Building a website for your business can be one of the most sure-fire ways of increasing your market. Lawyers can especially benefit from such websites. Clients look for well-presented content that is easy to understand. Not every person can understand legal terms and requirements. A website is a perfect way to ensure they understand the services you offer. You can list out all details you want your potential clients to know. It is a great way of getting to know a law firm or agency. However, if the content is presented poorly and ineffectively, it can lead to a gradual decline in your clients.

Designing Your Own Website As A Lawyer What You Need to Know

Designing Your Own Website As A Lawyer What You Need to Know

So, how do you design it in an effective manner? Well, we have some amazing tips for you that will have your business booming!

Read ahead for the top tips for designing an amazing website:


If you know anything about websites, chances are you know about SEO keywords as well. These keywords allow you to optimize your content so that it ranks higher in search engines. However, some law firms extended this approach to their URLs as well, resulting in huge keyword stuffed website URLs. This technique did serve them well in the past, however, times are changing. Google introduced a new algorithm that penalizes on such domains. Therefore, it is better to use your firm’s name as the URL. For example, does not use “personalinjuryattorneysincalifornia” instead use “ColesonLLC” as your domain names? This can make it easier for clients to remember your domains as well so they can find you again.


Another way to ensure a lasting impact on your website on your clients is to have your own brand. Design some theme colors that you can use everywhere from your business cards to actual flyers, banners, and posters. Use the same fonts all over your website. Designing a brand can help potential clients recognize your brands. Think of it like how folks would associate the color red with Coca-Cola! The same concept applies here!

Content Management System:

When you have a huge online presence including a blog, website, several social media accounts etcetera, it can be difficult to manage all your content. A content management system can help you write, edit, publish and organize any content on your website. You can change your designs frequently with a CMS as well. Some CMS are free such as WordPress; however, WordPress is limited in its features. If you want more features then perhaps joining a premium CMS can help you. Why should you pay for these features? The answer is quite simple! These features can help your website look even more professional and organized.

The BrightSpot Content Management System is a new generation content management system that allows you to optimize and organize your site the way you want to. It includes a plethora of amazing features. A search engine helps you find and edit the content you want to. You can develop people’s profiles as well allowing you to manage their data. This enterprise CMS Software can help you deliver personalized content to your users. For instance, you can include tabs for different services you offer that lead you off to articles and information related to that specific service.

Go Mobile:

With the increasing use of smartphones, having a custom mobile site can help you personalize the experience for mobile users. The key is to use a responsive design site that responds to the size of viewer you are using. On the other hand, you can use the mobile site design that redirects from the official site to a mobile user-friendly version. However, search engines prefer responsive designs and can thus alter your ranking.
